Thank you to the following groups
for some of the donations to Kyiv's K Hi for 2024:
Bonnyville Oilmens Society
St. Elias Ukrainian Women's Association
Ukrainian Self Reliance Association Calgary Branch
Two Hills UOC
St. Andrews Mens Club
St. Paul Ukrainian Women's Assciation
UOC St. Elias - Luzan Toporiwtzi
5Blue Process Equipment
Brosseau Holy Trinity UOC
St. John's Cathedral Edmonton
UWAC Dominika Oheinko
Rusnak Financial
UOC St. Peter & Paul Boyle
Moe's Gardens & Greenhouse
Patti Scuba
Maddlee Transport
Wanda Olszowka
St. John's Legacy Foundation Grant
SUS Foundation of Canada Grant
MD of Bonnyville Grant

Thanks to our many donations and grants this year we have been able to make the following improvements:
New gas range
Painted the bathroom, dorms, common room and mess hall
New bed rails for all the bunk beds
Purchase of more tables and chairs for the mess hall
New taps and flooring in the dorm bathrooms
Air conditioning in the boys and girls dorms
Removal of the old ATCO trialer
New picnic tables
Bench for the memorial garden
New metal clad roofing on the seniors building, infirmiry and second half of the bathroom
You can now donate your empty bottles and cans to Kyiv’s K Hi. You can drop your recycling bag at the Bonnyville Bottle Depot at the Dove Centre, and tell them it is for Kyiv’s K Hi, and they will do the work from there.
Kyiv's-K-Hi camp accepts donations. If anyone is interested, please contact us via email kievskhi@gmail.com